Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bailing Wire

Here is one of the kajillion uses of bailing wire.... True story, my son had cut off his exhaust pipe last year to make it sound "better". Well this year, he had to have it back on to get his car inspected. I tried to weld it last night but the rods I had kept burning a hole in the pipe but did get it tacked. He commences to go to the parts store, gets some JB Weld type stuff and finishes patching it. He then grabs an everyready strand of bailing wire and puts on the finishing touch to keep his muffler on. He passed the inspection with flying colors..........
Many more uses of bailing wire to come :)


Micah Mae said...

He should have used duct tape!

Alicia said...

Don't forget how useful a rock can be. ;)